One for the Brooks

Little bits of wisdom from someone who is not wise.

Sinatra & Other Catchy Names

Sinatra, what a great name for a gem. During the review for my first project, I had realized that I totally forgot that I had came up with a name for it. When I said it aloud I thought, “damn, what a stupid name”. Luckily for me, my cohort lead said she liked it, so I said nothing further. As we come to the sinatra section of things it dawned on me how important a catchy name for your program is. So many companies like google, spotify, facebook (boo), have such powerful names. Makes you wonder if the name follows the success or vice versa.

Feeling Like a Real Developer

As we progress through the material it is becoming more and more apparent to me that I should have majored in computer science for college. Every lab I complete I need less help, every lesson I read I feel more knowledgable, but the insatiable hunger for more is still there.

3 Things I learned while building my CLI

These past three weeks building my CLI have been so great. This was the first time I actually started feeling like a real developer. Making something of my own, born of my own mind and whim, it really was the feeling I was hoping to get on this journey. Anyway, here are three things I found out were helpful over the course of the project.

'#OO Triangle'

I just finished a pair programming session. We did the OO triangle lab and we finished so quickly. It is so gratifying completing these labs, I am starting to surprise myself almost every day. To be honest, I am so proud that I just walked into my roommate’s room and started explaining the code we just wrote. I was like “I just coded a custom test to check if a triangle is legit or not!!”. He was like “uhh weird flex, but okay…”.

how I got here

For a really, really long time I was floating. At first I thought goals were silly, and people who lived simple lives were the happiest, so why try? As I got older, I wanted “things” so that wouldn’t work. I developed some vague goals like “be succesful” and “achieve something you can be proud of” and “get rich”, but had no specific plan for how to do those things. I suppose it started when I was child. In school, I barely ever did homework and often didn’t study for tests. At home I was watching TV or playing video games, and since I wasn’t (and still am not) athletic my social life was modest to put it lightly. By high school I was was not in school very often, and when I was- it was to be the class clown. Throughout those years I was a B+ student. My teachers would always tell my parents that I was smart, but if I applied myself I can get A’s. I would scoff, and think to myself “Of course they said that, what teacher wants to tell parents their child is mediocre…”