I just finished a pair programming session. We did the OO triangle lab and we finished so quickly. It is so gratifying completing these labs, I am starting to surprise myself almost every day. To be honest, I am so proud that I just walked into my roommate’s room and started explaining the code we just wrote. I was like “I just coded a custom test to check if a triangle is legit or not!!”. He was like “uhh weird flex, but okay…”.
No, but seriously I think there’s something so powerful about Ruby. It is all so intuitive and logical, it just reads like a math textbook. This could be just because this is truly my first programming langauagezI am no geometry expert, but just writing out this code in an if- else statement was so obvious to us. I had started the lab on my own to come up with the code to get the types of triangles test passing and it sll just clicked so easily and simply. That’s not to say that my code was pretty, it was definitely too long and sloppy, but it just made sense.